Our Procedures
Diagnosis of a Venous Disease, KVaricose Veins (Varicosis), Spider Veins (Sclerotherapy), Thrombosis
Acne and Rosacea, Alopecia (Hair Loss), Nail Fungus (Onychomycosis), Hyperhydrosis (Excessive Sweating)
, Neurodermatitis and Psoriasis
Preventive Medical Skin Checks, Dermatoscopy, Photodynamic Therapy, Aftercare
Age warts, wrinkles and scars, Pigmentation spots and tattoos, Hair removal, nail mycosis and warts, Bloody sponges, vessels and xanthelasma, Actinic keratoses and skin cancer
Fillers and Hyaluronic Acid, Botulinum Toxin Applications (“Botox”), Plasmage®, Further Options
Fruit acid peel, Microdermabrasion, Acne treatment, Micro needling, Plasmage®, Lymphatic drainage