Phlebology (Vein Care)

Serious venous disorders often begin with spider veins that are only aesthetic disturbances in the beginning. In fact, however, they can be precursors that may result in varicose veins, ulcus cruris or even in thrombosis. We offer you diagnostics and therapy for the whole spectrum of phlebology. We are also one of the few Certified Venefit® (VNUS ClosureFast®) centres in Munich and have performed more than ELVeS Radial™ und 8.000 operations.

Diagnosis of a Venous Disease

Due to our extensive experience as phlebologists we can identify a lot of venous diseases by sight and touch. Colour-coded duplex sonography allows us to precisely locate and assess blood flow obstacles (thrombosis), reverse blood flow (varicosis) and damages of venous valves. X-raying is no longer necessary.

Varicose Veins (Varicosis)

Varicose veins are symptoms of reverse blood flow and therefore of a massive disturbance of blood circulation. Painful vein stripping has long been necessary, but today there are gentle, minimally invasive alternatives: radio frequency therapy with Venefit® (VNUS ClosureFast®) and endovenous laser therapy (vein laser ELVeS Radial™). The varicose veins are no longer stripped but only closed. We have already performed more than 8.000 operations – as outpatients, with local anaesthetic and high success rates.

Spider Veins (Sclerotherapy)

When the small, superficial veins in the leg enlarge we speak of spider veins. This is not only a cosmetic problem that may occasionally occur after operations. It can also be evidence of a developing varicosis. In addition to laser therapy we offer you foam sclerotherapy, a particularly gentle way of sclerotization. In both cases compression is not necessary afterwards.