Cosmetics and Foot care
In the therapy of skin diseases, scars and pigment disorders or during medical procedures cosmetics makes valuable contributions. It does not only apply effective care products but also makes use of modern processes such as microdermabrasion or the use of the Plasmage®. By working hand in hand dermatologists and cosmeticians achieve optimum treatment results.
Fruit acid peel
Skin diseases such as rosacea and acne or pigment disorders such as melasma respond well to fruit acid peel. With its help the cornification of the upper skin layer is removed and the synthesis of collagen is stimulated again. The result is a much healthier skin texture and reduced pores which are clearly visible at once
If there are impurities and scars the skin can be polished by microdermabrasion. This especially developed device uses very fine crystals thus ensuring a smoother skin in a gentle way. Care products are adjusted to the skin’s needs and can affect the skin extremely well after the treatment.
Acne treatment
Acne can appear during puberty and in adulthood. First of all the dermatologists examine the skin and determine the therapy concept. Then the medical cosmeticians accompany the treatment by relying on effective deep cleansing peels and care products as well as on light and laser therapies.
Micro needling
The dermapen or dermaroller is a device that can also be used to treat acne and other skin diseases. Its fine needles are able to inject the needed substance into the dermis at exactly the right dosage. Thus the skin produces new collagen fibres and is stimulated to self-healing in a gentle way.
Lymphatic drainage, massage according to Professor Søbye
Massagen des Gesichtes haben nicht nur eine wohltuende Wirkung, sie verhelfen auch bei Hauterkrankungen zu einer Linderung. Bei Operationen kann es, besonders im Gesicht zu Schwellungen und Stauungen kommen. Um diese zu beheben und dem Entstehen entgegen zu wirken, regen die Kosmetikerinnen den Lymphfluss durch sanfte Massage- und Drucktechniken an. Auch bei Rosazea-Patienten kann die Massage neben der medikamentösen Therapie äußerst hilfreich sein.